Wednesday, October 17, 2012

300 Nouns Down... 200ish to go!

That's a milestone.
Very Roman.
Couldn't find one in
Tonight I finished the 300th word in the 500 Most Common Galilean Nouns with full declension tables (absolute, construct, emphatic), topical tagging, and irregularities.

Pardon my momentary lapse into frivolity, but: Woohoo!

Now to finish the other 200... and then proofreading and formatting the database into something suitable for print (and digital print), and then we'll see where it goes.

However, in the meantime, I think I'm going to see about formatting out the first 100 or so words and putting together a digital giveaway of some sort for


1 comment:

  1. I am guessing that when you reach 100 ish to go you might even break out into a little dance :0D


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