Sunday, April 15, 2012

One More Observation: Upside Down Jonah

One more thing I would like to draw attention to before I give this subject a rest for a while is what I see as one of the more interesting problems of context for interpreting the name "Yonah" on this ossuary.

Very simply put, if the "fish," as a fish, is facing "left" then that puts the inscription interpreted as "Yonah" nearly upside-down.

This -- as can been seen -- does not provide a favorable context as it leaves the frames of reference for each claim quite literally at odds.




  1. As I understand the original image has the head pointing down.
    Try rotating it to the right.

  2. Yes, on the original ossuary it is in a "downward" orientation. However, in the initial press kits and the documentary (in fact, this still is *taken* from the documentary) *this* is the orientation where the supposed "fish" is "up" (in fact, how they show it "floating away").

    In order to read "Yonah", one must turn the "fish" upside-down relative to this frame, which is at odds with this supposition.

    With all of this "flopping around like a fish" necessary for all of the pieces to fit, I believe that this is further evidence towards this motif simply being a decorated vessel.



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