Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The "Jonah Ossuary" Images Debunked

To quote Bob: "Fish don't have handles."
Click to enlarge and see.

Robert Cargill has posted a blog article that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exposes where the so-called "Jonah Ossuary" images were digitally manipulated. These manipulations were made to hide features that very plainly show that the "fish" are in fact pottery.

If that were not enough: 

Almost immediately after Bob posted this article (March 13 2012 @ 13:21, to be precise) the "The Jesus Discovery" blog (which is the official mouthpiece of Jacobovici and Tabor's "findings") pulled down one of the manipulated images to re-title replace it.

Needless to say, this is not how one deals properly with criticism, and this is not the first time that edits to the "findings" have been made without proper citation and documentation.

In the digital age, there is always a "paper trail" and those who are observant will find it. :-)

The original image (#16 posted Feb 27 @ 21:42, subsequently deleted),
now image #61 posted Mar 14 @ 13:21.
Note the overlay for strokes that are not present in the image.
Please, click the image to enlarge and see for yourself.

Image #60, posted Mar 13 @ 18:07.
Please, click the image to enlarge and see for yourself.

UPDATE: The paper trail continues. At 18:07, the old image (where the "fish" outlines were doctored; previously #16 [deleted], and then #60 with un-doctored lines) was re-uploaded as image #61. I will be watching carefully to see if #60 is deleted.


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