So, just for fun I decided to search Amazon.com for David Elkington's book on the Lead Codices; however, instead I came across what you can see in the image above.
In short, where there appears to be a strange and overly convenient hole in the Internet where one would expect his book to exist (i.e. a number of listings, but nowhere is it "in stock"), I found that anything else with Elkington's name on it had a price that shot sky-high:
- $176-$187 for his book "In the Name of the Gods."
- $300-$757 for a multimedia CD on Classical Civ.
Nearly 200 bucks? What?? I found that a signed first edition copy of "In the Name of the Gods," went for 20 quid over at BooksAndRecords.
The second one I'm not even sure is the same Elkington, as it goes new for $300 from Oxford University Press.
In either case, it seems that anything that has his name on it has inflated considerably since the Codices broke to the press.
Perhaps the phantom book may yet show up somewhere? Unlikely. In the meantime, Elkington memorabilia is selling like hotcakes.
-SteveLabels: book, David Elkington, Lead Codices, Paul Elkington