Now, I must admit that my Arabic is not very good, but even at my level of comprehension, I noticed something a little bit odd. I did not see
عيسى "Isa," the Arabic cognate for "Jesus" anywhere.
Instead I saw جيسوس: "JEE-SUS" spelled out phonetically.
I must admit that I've never come across such a transliteration before, so I Googled it, which returned with a mere 27,000 hits. This seems like a good chunk (perhaps it is used amongst some small Arabic circles), but this is also in juxtaposition with 8,000,000+ hits for عيسى "Isa".
The owner of the entry has been emailed, and I do hope that they update the listing.
UPDATE: As "bulbul" reminded me below, يسوع "Yasu`" is also another valid spelling of Jesus' name in Arabic, and is the form used most frequently among Arab Christians. Needless to say, that form isn't found on this ring either.