For example, the set of diatrics used to write Arabic text in Syriac letters is known as "Garshuni" (or "Karshuni") where small loops and dots are added into the crooks of the letters to indicate the Arabic equivalents. In Assyrian dialects, a similar principle is applied, where a squiggle "~" (known as a Majliana) is placed under or over certain consonants.
The letter in question is the
gâmal "G" at the beginning.

(The sounds Gâmal makes.)
When tattooing, sometimes these diatric squiggles can end up looking like standard vowel markers. Because of this
gbrt' can first be read as a loan-word from the Arabic "jabbar" which means "almighty."
Jbârthâ', however, should be masculine, not feminine as it would be an adjective (i.e. Jesus -is- mighty). This would make the entire translation read:
jbârthâ' yeshû` mshîkhâ'
"(She is) Almighty: Jesus Christ"
...which doesn't seem to be what the owner is after.
On the other side of interpretation lies
gebârthâ' which is a word found in several dialects of Aramaic (most notedly Syriac) where it is the feminine form of
gabrâ' which means "man" (i.e. "woman"). This would make the translation read:
gebârthâ' yeshû` mshîkhâ'
"The Woman: Jesus Christ"
...also not quite what they were after.
I won't repeat myself again as to how important it is to double-check your translations. :-)
Aramaic Designs will do it for free so there is no excuse!